
So much to say!

Hey Friends! 

Boy have I missed blogging on the regular. Life has been jam-packed with awesomeness and once the glitter settles at the end of April, I will reconnect by sharing stories, recipes and more! 

And, of course the 4-1-1 on all things WEDDING!  Continue reading


Nashville Hot Chicken

A few weeks ago I was in Nashville for work. We are currently supporting 13 rural districts in Western Tennessee as they develop a beginning teacher mentoring program in conjunction with the University of Tennessee Martin. 

Martin, TN is about 2.5 hours from Nashville, so my co-worker and I typically fly into Nashville, rent a car and drive to Martin the day before our first day of presenting to the mentors. We will stay in Martin for two days, then drive back to Nashville after the 2nd day of professional development. Because we end around 4pm, by the time we make the drive back to Nashville, it’s usually too late to catch a flight back home so we’ll stay the night and fly early the next morning. Continue reading


Over the river and through the woods with the Mazda CX-9! #DriveMazda

This adventure was made possible through my blogging partnership with DriveShop and Mazda, who provided me with a vehicle to test drive in December. You can follow the conversation on social media with the hashtag #DriveMazda and #MazdaCX9!

Hello there beautiful!car3 Continue reading


Sausage Stuffed Mushrooms with #OutOfTheWeeds Vinaigrettes!

I was lucky enough to connect with Robin, the creator of the scrumptious, all-natural artisanal Out of the Weeds dressings and marinades a few weeks ago on Facebook. I had heard of both her amazing creations and Three Birds Tavern restaurant in St. Pete, but had never met in person nor had I had the chance to sample her products.

After learning that she would be participating in upcoming Winn Dixie Hyde Park events, including sampling some of her dressings at the most recent event promoting Thanksgiving day deals and Curtis Stone’s visit, I was excited that this would finally be my chance to taste and chat with this local foodie celebrity!  Continue reading


Friendsgiving brunch with my favorite chicas

As you know, I have a sweet love and appreciation for Thanksgiving- a time that is strictly about family and friends, traditions, togetherness, and of course, the star of the show… food.

On Thursday, a big group of my family and friends will be coming together share our Thanksgiving meal. But I wanted to carve out some time with my nearest and dearest girlfriends before the big day to share a meal, and give thanks for the deep friendships and bonds we have formed through the years. 15181257_10154803736137474_2165906126094205104_n Continue reading


Happy Birthday Mom!

When I think about my mother, what I remember most was her love of celebrating.

She would celebrate anything and everything. 
Life itself was a celebration.

Birthdays, promotions, anniversaries, daylight savings time. She’d find ANY reason to cook a meal, bake a cake and have people over. It’s just who she was. 10511352_10152651390667474_3098322061653697010_nWhat I remember most about all of those get togethers was how they made us feel. My mother always made sure everyone was well fed and having a good time. And if it was your birthday, you were sure to feel special.  Continue reading