
Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! But more importantly….. HAPPY WALKING DEAD SEASON FINALE DAY!

Obviously you can tell where my enthusiasm lies.

Truth be told Easter has always been one of those holidays centering around baskets, food and togetherness. When my grandmother (Abuelita) was alive, she’d force invite us to come to church with her on Easter Sunday. My brother and I would reluctantly don our Sunday best and spend an hour with her listening to the sound of our feet as we’d tap on the pews. I didn’t grow up in a religious household, and as much as my devote baptist grandmother tried, when we got old enough to refuse to go, we would.

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Bastard scooters

A headache set in around 6th period today.

Maybe it was the kids. Maybe it was the weather. All I know is by the time I arrived at Orange Theory for my 5:30 workout, I was mentally begging Josh to go easy on us. Unfortunately, he had a killer of a workout up his sleeve that involved those damn scooters. If there’s any piece of workout equipment that I hate more than medicine balls, it’s those scooters. Continue reading


Speak out!

It’s finally Friday! **Shout it from the rooftops!** 

It’s been one crazy busy week. I’m more than ready to spend a relaxing weekend at home- after, that is, the robotics competition I’ll spend a few hours at on Saturday morning! I’m the Lego robotics club sponsor for my school and this is our first competition. I’m not sure what to expect as I’ve never been to one, but hopefully I’ve prepared my kiddos enough to enjoy the day and have a great time. It’s a very informal meet, hosted by one of the local middle schools, so there isn’t any pressure to “win”. Really the only thing I’m hoping for is that the students learn to better work as a team, as that has probably been the hardest part of this whole experience! The average 12 year old these days lives in a self-centered world!

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What will become of me…

When you lose someone close to you, you learn to live with the idea of them not being there anymore. You learn to adapt to new memories without them. You learn to eventually stop picking up the phone to try and talk to them. You learn to appreciate left over text messages and other remnants of who they were. You find ways to keep their spirit alive, even though the thought that you even have to do this is daunting. Continue reading


Cabbage Soup

Years ago my mom and I were sitting around contemplating our next camping trip. We wanted to go far enough where we could get a change of scenery yet only be gone a few days. I remember grabbing a AAA map of Georgia, and randomly pointing to a spot in north Georgia. Blairsville, GA became a place that we would visit for years to come, and still do. It was one of those random things that turned into a memorable vacation spot! Continue reading


Chicas and Zucchini Tomato Quiche

Last Sunday, my dear friend Monica hosted the gals for her monthly chicas brunch. These get together were put on hold for a little something called her wedding, which, of course, we understood. 😉 But as of Sunday, we were back in business, getting anywhere from 5-10 chicas (Spanish for girlfriends) together for dishes, dishing, and of course, mimosas. Monica also made an amazing lip polish scrub for us to take home as a gift. The stuff is amazing! You can find the recipe here. Continue reading