Delicious baking & snacking with Simple Mills! #Giveaway

#Brought to you through a partnership with Simple Mills and Orangespoken. I was provided compensation in the form of product for this post and giveaway. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 

A few months ago I was wander the aisles of my local Fresh Market when something caught my eye in the baking mixes section. B0176XXD8E_LEFT_jpg_1024x1024

Almond flour cake mix? Made with just 6 simple Paleo-friendly, gluten-free ingredients including coconut sugar? 

It was too good to be true. 

After experimenting with recipes using these same ingredients, and failing at oh-so-many, I was SUPER eager to plop this into my shopping cart and see if this was going to be my new baking go-to. 

I easily whipped up a batch of vanilla cupcakes as soon as I got home and they were perfect.

Moist, sweet, flavorful cupcake perfection. I was sold and could not WAIT to try the other products. Simple_Mills_BM_-_1.0_74e0503e-0a37-4464-b4db-a5620c931ee8_1024x1024

Let’s just say I’ve made the rounds. 😉PicMonkey Collage

From chocolate chip cookie mixes and bread doughs, to muffin mixes and even ready-made crackers for snacking, Simple Mills has it all and all of their products are certified GLUTEN FREE, SOY FREE, GUM FREE, NON-GMO, PALEO FRIENDLY!Simple_Mills_Cracker_Box_Dining_Room_1.1_1024x1024

All of the ingredients used are intentional and none are artificial. When you purchase a Simple Mills product, you can be sure that you are putting something healthy and nutrient-packed into your body. Their recipes are low-glycemic, low carb and low sugar. But never to fear- flavor is NOT sacrificed! I have officially tried all of the products and each one is absolutely delicious and satisfying. You CAN have your cake an eat it too! Simple_Mills_BM_-_1.1_1024x1024

I’m excited to announce a blogging partnership with Simple Mills and would like to invite you to follow us on social media for product updates, recipe ideas and so much more (see links in the giveaway below).

In addition, I would love to offer 2 lucky readers a chance to try Simple Mills for yourself!

Use the Rafflecopter below and be entered to win a box of Simple Mills cake mix (1 chocolate- pictured below and 1 vanilla- pictured above) AND some coupons to use on your next purchase! B00B3IKEWW_LEFT_jpg_213db204-fc81-447b-ad16-09c63a63ea21_1024x1024

Good luck and happy baking!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

3 thoughts on “Delicious baking & snacking with Simple Mills! #Giveaway

  1. I’m always on the hunt for good ingredients. I have been staying away from most things with a label but ever so often you just can’t help yourself and having cake that is made with good stuff. Sounds perfect to me! Thanks for sharing….can you mail me a cupcake? lol

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