A new chapter

There are so many different kinds of Moms. Today, while you celebrate and thank your own Mom, look for ways to bless other Moms around you, too:
Moms who sacrificially gave their baby to adoptive parents
Surrogate Moms
Those whose Moms are no longer with them
Those whose Moms are suffering with Alzheimer’s/dementia
Moms who’ve tragically lost their children
Moms whose children are serving in our military
Moms whose husbands are serving in our military
Single Moms
Moms whose children are suffering with illness
New Moms
Military Moms
Moms waiting to give birth
Women who have filled the role of “Mom” for you

Today is the first Mother’s Day without my mom. Yesterday was an amazing day filled with her spirit and her memory.  Today will be the same.
Miss you mom.

2 thoughts on “A new chapter

  1. Much love, my friend. I know your pain and I promise you, you are not alone. Your mother is smiling down and wishing she were here, I know, and she is proud of the lady that you are. Our moms are probably chatting it up and yours is saying, "That's my girl right there – rocking it out on her swim and ride!" Mine is saying, "Yes, Sara, Steph is in YOUR life for a reason – get your behind out there and run!!!!!" LOL! Hopefully this brings a smile to your face, it just popped in my head and I had to share it with you! For the record, they are lounging on a cloud and the sun is radiant and both of them are laughing and look beautiful. Many hugs.

  2. I love this Sara! Haha! And I love your message on FB. My mom's been on my mind all day. And although it's sad, I'm trying to make new traditions for Mother's day until I'm a mother myself. There are so many ways to remember my mom and grandmothers, and that's what I'm doing. Next up, a project I've been wanting to do- a memory box. 🙂 Thanks again for your kind words thoughts. They mean so much! 🙂 Now, get out there and run your tail off (and drink lots of water!) ;)Love,Steph

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