Foodie Pen Pal- August
What’s better than bloggers, food and packages?
Nothing really!
So when I heard about a little something called Foodie Pen Pals, I jumped all over that sucker like students on Skittles. (Yes, apparently Skittles are back “in”. Who knew?) #lifeofateacher
Each month about a thousand bloggers particpate in this awesome activity sending “care” packages to someone they’re paired up with. There are even a few non-bloggers who have joined in the fun and use other methods of social media to share their thoughts on the trade each month. These “care” packages are typically in the form of goodies- like FOODIE GOODIES. Yum. The best part? You’re paired with someone different than the person that’s sending to YOU, so basically you get to meet 2 new bloggers each time you participate- the person you send to, and the person sending to you! This month I was sending to Connecticut and receiving from Georgia!
I was SO excited to receive my package from Elizabeth, at Mom’s Messy Desk.
She lives in Georgia, and although she’s my Southern neighbor to the North (if that makes sense ;)), Georgia still has SO much to offer in the way of foods, produce and culture. Yes, culture! When I travel to the Peach State, it really is a different world than this fast paced tropical city I live in. One of my favorite Georgia destinations is a little town called Blairsville. It’s about an hour northeast of Atlanta and we found it completely on a whim one winter when my mom got the itch to take a camping trip. We literally pulled up a map of Georgia, found some mountains and picked a city. Who knew it would become a place where we have vacationed in each year, and a destination that holds so many dear memories of my mother.
When I saw the box sitting on my porch, I almost tripped over the stairs from my excitement.
I was going to wait for Mr. KKM to get home so we could open it up together, but impatience won. Whoops.

I think I forgot to mention to the Mr. that it was addressed to the Garcia’s, not the Fields’. #unmarriedcoupleproblems
Check out all those goodies! Elizabeth hit the nail on the head. Those of you who know me know how much I LOVE tea. She also included some southern favorites like cheese straws and fried green tomato batter mix! My favorite part (aside from the tea) was the baggie of homemade cheese crackers. Holy yum. SO glad she included the recipe! Let’s not forget her favorite Luna bar flavor and MY favorite Kashi treat- malted milk bars. How did she know? Since Mr. KKM doesn’t like tomatoes, I ended up using the batter for onion rings and when he asked for seconds, I knew it was a hit!
Now, what could be more fun that receiving a package? Yup. GIVING a package! I had an absolute BALL choosing local items to ship waaaaaaaaay north to CT to my Foodie Pen Pal Chelsea. Check out her recap at her blog Yasha’s Crazy Life!
I cannot WAIT for my inbox to pop up with the September #foodiepenpal assignments. Where will I be shipping next? Stay tuned… ๐ And thank you to Elizabeth for my fabulous care package!
Steph ๐
PS- Would you like to participate? It’s too late for September, but if you’d like to sign up for October, check out the information here at the Lindsay’s blogย The Lean Green Bean