The birthday boy!

Happy Birthday Mr. OS (formerly Mr. KKM, but new name for the blog, means new name for him too!)


That’s right; it’s the big 3-0 for the sweetest, kindest man I know.


Little known fact…. Mr. OS is a twin!

photo 1

Can you tell who’s who?

photo 2

photo 4

They’re obviously not identical twins, but it’s funny to see them together, as they are definitely alike in some ways.

photo 3

We plan on celebrating the big day with friends and family. And yes, there will be cake pie… and maybe even a bit of gambling at the Hard Rock! Although he’s not the biggest fan of birthdays, he’s agreed that a 30th birthday is definitely a big deal! Not a big enough deal to be sung to Outback style (he would die!), but important enough for friends, beers, some Cuban cigars (thanks Nina!) lots of love, and hopefully a few gifts. 😉

Happy Birthday to my best friend, the love of my life and the most amazing man I know. I love you more than there are stars in the universe! Wishing you the best day ever!


Love, Steph <3

6 thoughts on “The birthday boy!

  1. Aw! I love the old pictures. It is always great to look at pictures of your significant other when they were younger. Always makes me laugh for some reason and at the same time I always wish I had known him then because it took way to long to find the most amazing man in the world.

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