Just keep swimming

It’s Spring Break around these parts. The time when teachers run amok and enjoy the time away from the little devils darlings.
It’s only Tuesday, but so far I’ve:

  • done laundry
  • cleaned house
  • raked the backyard
  • had lunch with a friend
  • bought new running shoes (see below)
  • was a featured blogger on Bloggers.com
  • swam 1000 yards

Come again?
Yup, it’s early March and I swam 1000yds (sorry to my northern readers!)
My friend and triathlon trainer Deb has been posting group training Meetups held at a pool out in Brandon called Brandon Sports and Aquatics Center. I’m usually working when they’re scheduled, so I decided that Spring Break would be the perfect opportunity to check out this heated pool and get my first swim of the season in. Knowing that my pal Lindsey is off on Tuesdays, I asked her if she’d like to take a ride over and check the place out. She agreed and so we planned our trip!

I literally had to search for my tri suit, as I didn’t exactly remember were I had shoved placed it. Luckily, once I found it, it still fit (as a plus sized athlete, you always wonder what’s still going to fit after 5 months of no use!)

(that’s me)
By the way, if you’re looking for some great plus sized swimwear or triathlon gear, check out Junonia. They have the most supportive tops (for us big boobied athletes) and the prices aren’t shocking either! I trained and competed my 2nd sprint triathlon in the QuikEnergy line of their tri gear (yes, they actually DO call it triathlon gear, even if it’s plus sized!).

I must say the pool is a bit far for this Tampa girl, but to find an open, heated pool for $5 on your vacation is not an easy task, so it turned out to be completely worth the trip. After paying our entrance fee, we grabbed some kick boards (love those by the way, had never used them!) and jumped right in. The facilities were really nice- clean, organized, with timers all around the perimeter of the pool (in case you’re into timing yourself). There are life guards on duty, and big, spacious lanes. The pool was a little busy with the sounds of swim students and their coaches filling up most of the lanes. Lindsey and I shared lucky lane 7, and honestly, the workout wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be.

Of course I was tired (these were 50yd lanes). Of course my arms felt like Fruit Rollups. Of course I had to stop and rest when Lindsey (the awesome swimmer!) kept up a great pace. But when all was said and done, I completed a total of 1000 yards and felt pretty damn good as I climbed out of the pool. I really hope our local pools open up soon because swimming is my weakest sport and I desperately need to get back into the water on a regular basis.

So how are you getting ready for the upcoming tri season? Don’t forget- if you’re interested in training for YOUR very first triathlon (yes, you can do it!) please check out our Meetup page and come out for a training session! You’ll find people of all fitness levels, some riding mountain bikes, some that don’t run, just walk, some that are scared of deep water (me, remember my first post?). Believe me, you will find someone to bond with to start your adventure!

See ya soon,