
Redefining strength at The Bar Method Tampa!

For years I was a member of a gym that focused on group workouts based on high intensity interval training that I absolutely loved. I loved the coaches. I loved the members. I loved the workout, the energy, the challenge, the atmosphere- all of it. For years that place made me feel stronger, faster, and was the first place to support me in becoming the person I am today. They helped me follow my dream to be able to run, and push my body to do more and be more. And I was so grateful for those experiences. 

But sometime around November of 2018, those feelings changed. Instead of feeling strong, the workout itself had started to feel really hard on my body, and I even endured some injuries along the way. But as I continued to work on my health goals and get stronger, I wanted to do more. I wanted to go faster and go longer distances on treadmill. I wanted to use heavier weights. I wanted to do more and be more. But the more I pushed, the more I injured myself. My mind and its desire to do more was competing with my body- and my body couldn’t keep up. Feeling this way brought on a lot of internal pressure, and injuries pulled me away from workouts for long spurts of time while I healed. That internal pressure caused me to view exercise as a burden, instead of a blessing. I no longer looked to it as a source of strength. It was a source of setback and disappointment instead.  Continue reading