
So you wanna do more than a 5k?

A few months back I wrote a post called “So you wanna do a 5k?”

I’ve had so many people ask me about how I started doing races and share their insecurities about starting their own running journeys with me. I always respond the same way: “Insecurities that may be floating around in your head should never come in between you and your goals!” Like I’ve stressed before, don’t wait until the “perfect” moment because that perfect moment is NOW! Continue reading


Tomorrow is the big day! 13.1!

Tomorrow I will be crossing something off my 2015 goal list: My first half marathon!
My race gear is prepped, my legs feel great, and I’m ready to do this!

I’ve read a lot of pre-race blog posts out there, sharing race day goals, thoughts, etc. 

For me, I only have 1 thing on my mind going into these 13.1 miles. And I have Coach Sarah at Orangetheory Westchase to thank for it.  Continue reading


13.1 training & being a plus-sized “runner”

I wanted to start writing training posts when I originally signed up for the Sarasota half marathon in early December (especially a post about signing up because we all know that’s the hardest part and deserves its own post!), but I just haven’t dedicated the time to actually sit down and plan it all out. Continue reading