Judy’s tales: guest posts

I’m not the only one who had crazy stories about my mom. Here are some guest posts for this installment of Judy’s tales!

From her cousin Chris
One expensive swim
My story about one, of many, Judy experiences goes a little like this. We were all down in Key West for lobster season and this particular day, we were out on the boat. We had been lobstering all day and really bummed that we hadn’t reached our limit. Judy, Rick, and Joey had been in the water all day scouting for lobsters and coming up with tons of shorts (lobsters that are to small to keep). Our drive in was about an hour so we had started to head in. The sun was setting and we came across a beautiful area and Judy begged her Tio Joe to stop and let everyone look around and swim…no one argued with that, as it was a beautiful spot and the sun appeared high enough. After a half hour swim/search we got back into the boat and headed for shore. Let me just tell you, when the sun decides to set, it sets fast. Another factor we hadn’t considered was the tide rolling out as much as it did. As we were zooming through the channel following our mapped route when we came to a very sudden halt!  The boat had run aground right inside the channel. Let’s just say $500 and two hours later we were on our way again. Fun times!!!

From her friend Nancy
Back in the Dunbar days, Judy was hosting game night at her house; this was before the house was remodeled. We were all sitting around the dining room table. There were 8-10 women & we were playing Team Trivial Pursuit. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard! Judy was always such a neat-nick & several times  somebody spilled something on the floor. Each time, Judy got the mop & immediately cleaned it up. Finally, she just kept the mop with her & played & mopped at the same time. It was hysterical! Later on her mom came by to say “Hi!” to everyone. Judy decided to make coffee, we all needed it by then. Someone suggested we have cafe con leche & Judy said it was no problem. She put some milk in a small pitcher in the microwave. Her mother had a fit! She went on & on about how that was not the way to make cafe con leche. Judy was defending herself. She talked about doing things the modern way. The two of them going back & forth about the milk was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. I can’t think about that night without laughing. We always had so much fun.

From her sister-in-law Maria
The best time that I will never forget was when you, your mom,  Abuelamom , Tina and myself went to Tennessee, and your mom and I got lost while the rest of you slept in the back of my Lincoln. We were at a dead end pulling over to read the map when this guy pulled up behind my car. It was about 2:00am and your mom starts yelling at me to back up out of the driveway, but I could not see any thing because of the black out windows in my car! Then that guy walked up to our car and your mom started screaming “get the gun! get the gun!” She showed the guy the gun through the window and told that guy to get the f$&k away from our car! And with all that was going on your Abuelamom , you and Tina were fast asleep till we stopped up the road and your mom was going crazy about what had just happened. That is what I get for letting your mom read the map! I think about that all the time .  We also had so much fun at the hotel. Your mom was convinced there were cameras in the mirrors! What a dump that place was! Good times.


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